We will be meeting in downstairs in The Swedengorania Library not in the AV Room. The library opens at 7pm so we may start a little later and the first meeting for the Tableaux is also tonight at 6:30 pm. I will be attending that meeting and then running over to the library at 6:55.
Hope to see you there. AG

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Nunc Licet Production Notes;
Scripts for the Reading Workshop:
- The scripts we will be using for the readings are available at the Swedenborg Library front desk for your review.
- They are not to be taken out, as we have- just what we need for the readings and these scripts will be kept at the library.
- The script edition that we will start with is not the most current edition. It is Revision VIII-G, whereas the current edition is Revision X-J-G. I hope to be able to replace this older edition with a set of the newer ones as we proceed. (if anyone cares to help with the cost of that as an investor, I welcome that kind of participation as well).
- I am also thinking that at some point in the future, I will create an edition that eliminates all but the dialogue from the pages, but this seems to be very difficult for me to do
- The differences are not so significant that we cannot use the older ones to get a feel for the material. I suggest that if you would like a new edition that you purchase one. I've given away so many scripts over the years, I just can't do it anymore. They are available here on-line, at the Cathedral bookstore, and at the Reading Workshop
- I am not providing it online, because after twenty-five years of agonizing work and expense, I am unwilling to make it available for free, until the production goes up and the film is completed.
- I also will not be providing scripts to people free of charge. I will provide both the CD ROM and the current version of the script to people who participate at my wholesale cost. That's the best I can offer. I will have a sign-up sheet at the readings for people who want to avail themselves of this offer.
- The first night of Reading on Wednesday December 10th will take place in the Swedenborgiana Library as opposed to the AV Room and if that works out, we may continue there.
- I will be attending the first meeting for the Tableaux Choir at the Cathedral and the Library opens at 7:00 pm, so do not be distressed if we start a little late. If you are the first to arrive feel free to get a script from behind the desk and look it over.
- Here's hoping we can succeed at gathering a group of people who want to get serious about doing this. If we are very lucky and the show seems to work, we may have an opportunity to move this show to Philadelphia, New York or other cities nearby. But don't let my goal of doing that prevent you from just helping to get it up for the Assembly.
- Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Nunc Licet, purchasing a script

Purchasing a copy of
"Nunc Licet"
If you would like assist
in moving
the production forward
by purchasing
a copy of the play
it is now available
using PayPal.
"Nunc Licet"
If you would like assist
in moving
the production forward
by purchasing
a copy of the play
it is now available
using PayPal.
These items are produced on demand,
so you will receive an email
to confirm your order
and let you know about the shipping.
Thank you in advance for your order.
Your purchase will help to advance the production
and you will receive special offers and benefits
when the show premieres.
Your purchase will help to advance the production
and you will receive special offers and benefits
when the show premieres.
Versions available | |
Nunc Licet, current activity
Production Approach Summary
Purchasing a Script
This link will allow you to purchase the script via PayPal.
Synopsis of the Play
Current Activity
(2010) ;
Purchasing a Script
This link will allow you to purchase the script via PayPal.
Synopsis of the Play
2/11- Readings at The Swedenborg Library We have had a few reading sessions that went very well, but I found that the notes have been causing people to pause to 1) read the notes and 2) try to find the next line of text. So I am removing all the notes from this version so that there are no instructions whatsoever in the script. It seems strange to me because there is no point of reference to understand what is going on, but then the version of the script with the notes can be referenced in that instance.
1/11- Submission to The Public Theatre: One more rejection slip although this time they said they enjoyed reading the work, which seems to indicate that they may actually have done so. You'd be surprised how may people can't get thru this play, myself included at times. What can I say, it's a big play with religious subject matter. I have found that the biggest hindrance to reading the play are the staging notes which I have been spending time removing for an actors version.
(2010) ;
11/10- Objective for the Reading Workshops- The latest workshop will begin on Wednesday, December 10th at The Swedenborg Library on the campus of Bryn Athyn College. Times are from 7 pm to 9 pm in the AV Room.
The show has been work-shopped four times before, during the writing process and this is intended to be the last time this will take place. The goal for this workshop is to prepare the play to be presented before the World Assembly in June. Confirmation of the use of the Pendelton Hall Chapel in the main college building has not been given and will likely be contingent upon the success we achieve with these workshops.
Film & Video- The larger goal is to shoot the film version of this play at Cairnwood, as it is a nice location which represents the atmosphere of the play quite well and it just happens to be across the street from everybody, the campus, the theatre, and the church.
But in the mean time, it was suggested that we might just shoot some snippets of the play as a test. Well, that sounds like a great idea. That will require less memorizing the lines of the play than a stage show and I have the equipment we need to do tests. It would be better to have higher quality equipment than I have, but for now we can move forward with my equipment.
I have S-VHS equipment that I use for documenting various activities, so we can us that for now. My 16mm film equipment (Beaulieu) is not really appropriate for this because of aspect ratio issues, because I don't really trust the mechanical stability of the cameras, there are issues with sync sound & camera noise and it is very costly to produce the desired results. Not to mention the cost of servicing the cameras, lenses and sound recorder before we engage in a serious shoot. If the opportunity to buy, use, or rent better equipment comes up then we will explore that when the time comes. But for now samples using S-VHS will have to do. I'm working to acquire two Canon XL-HD cameras, but my editing systems are not yet set up for HD.
Of course there are numerous production issues that need to be addressed if we are to proceed with shooting some scenes. We could do it in contemporary garb, but I'd rather do it in period costumes, so we will need a costumer who can coordinate that. Then we have to determine the locations for the scenes. If we do it in a contemporary format, then we can shoot it anywhere, but how boring is that? I'm really very less inclined to desire any contemporization of this work, but we'll do what we have to to advance the cause.
A Staged Reading- The least of the goals we have is for a presentation at the Assembly as a staged reading, script in hand. Since this appears a first glance to be a rather long and complicated play, that might be the best we can hope for. I say appears to be, because in reality- the play is much easier and shorter, if the technical notes and directions are removed from the text. I have attempted to do this, unsuccessfully, numerous times. They are just too integrated into my thinking on the material. Someone else might be able to do that, but I can't seem to. I will make one more attempt at it, as painful as that might be.
If the participants in the workshop are willing to work at getting off-script, then that will go a long way for a larger more detailed presentation. But if we find that the lines are too voluminous or difficult for the actors to memorize then we will need to rethink how we will approach this project. I am not expecting to edit the play down, as I have been refining it for the past twenty-five years trying to make it easier to deliver and understand. Chopping it up is not a good idea, not a good idea at all. But if it has to be cut, I am the only one to make that decision (of course I will accept suggestions, I may not listen to them, but I will accept them).
I have tried to break up the dialogue into smaller manageable segments for the sake of the actors. I know that the material has a certain philosophical complexity to it and so for both the sake of delivery and comprehension I have broken the thoughts into a more conversation style. I hope that this will prove to make the play flow more easily. As I have mentioned before elsewhere, the sub-plot and non-verbal expression in the play are- as, if not more, important to the success of the play. Much of that sub-plot has to be extrapolated by the actors who will portray the role, because only so much has been conveyed in the script and support materials. I apologize to the secondary characters who are left to their own devices to fill their space on the stage at times.
A Full Stage Production- Although I hope for a full stage production at some point, I am not expecting to see this happen for June- unless there are logistical folks who sign on to help make that happen. Yes, I am working toward that ultimate goal, but the reality is that the budget for a full production needs to be determined, the necessary funding acquired and many other details implemented. It is all I can do to think about the core material and to document the process of refining the material, so that it becomes a workable stage presentation which the audience will accept and enjoy.
So this is some preparatory material for the Script Reading Workshop which will begin on the 10th of December. Hopefully we will have a reasonable group of people who will assist us in these goals and we will determine what it is that we can in reality achieve when we find out who is willing to join the effort.
"When Preparation meets Opportunity, Success occurs"
contact Arthur Greisiger at: imagemindag@verizon.net
Refer to the
for prior postings
Monday, November 15, 2010
Revised Press Release for "Nunc Licet"
11/15/10 Press Release;
Readings of the play "Nunc Licet: a stage play about Emanuel Swedenborg"
We have a number of goals which include film and video as well.
These weekly sessions are production meetings intended to gather participants who can be counted on to help to advance to goals of the show. Observers are invited to sit in, but anyone attending may be called upon to read and will be expected to do so.
In addition to actors & technicians, we also are also seeking to build a production team of folks who can assist with implementing logistical matters, both locally and on a larger scale.
We will also need to engage in fundraising for this project which will lead to paying positions, but for the time being- we are all working on a volunteer or deferred basis.
For further discussion you may contact Arthur Greisiger via email at imagemindag@verizon.net or use Facebook.
Information and a synopsis of the play can be had by using the search function above to search for "Nunc Licet"
Readings of the play "Nunc Licet: a stage play about Emanuel Swedenborg"
will begin on
December 1st, 2010
in The Swedenborg Library on the campus of Bryn Athyn College.
Work will take place in the AV Room of the library from 7-9 pm
and continue weekly
and continue weekly
with the goal of presenting the play during
The World Assembly of The General Church of The New Jerusalem in June.
We have a number of goals which include film and video as well.
These weekly sessions are production meetings intended to gather participants who can be counted on to help to advance to goals of the show. Observers are invited to sit in, but anyone attending may be called upon to read and will be expected to do so.
In addition to actors & technicians, we also are also seeking to build a production team of folks who can assist with implementing logistical matters, both locally and on a larger scale.
We will also need to engage in fundraising for this project which will lead to paying positions, but for the time being- we are all working on a volunteer or deferred basis.
For further discussion you may contact Arthur Greisiger via email at imagemindag@verizon.net or use Facebook.
Information and a synopsis of the play can be had by using the search function above to search for "Nunc Licet"
Arthur Greisiger
Artistic Director / Proprietor;
Image of the Mind Studios
Artistic Director / Proprietor;
Image of the Mind Studios
Founder / Administrating Director;
The Alpha & Omega Society
The Alpha & Omega Society
Founder / Executive Producer / Artistic Director;
The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park
The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Nunc Licet Readings @ The Swedenborg Library
Beginning December 1st, 2010 we will begin to conduct readings of the play at The Swedenborg Library on the campus of Bryn Athyn College. Readings will continue to take place on Wednesday Evenings from 7 to 9 pm in the AV Room.
Anyone interested in helping to mount this play is invited to attend. These meetings are intended to achieve a few different goals. They are production meetings, they are not entertainment for observers. That will come when we present the play to the public. Most importantly, we need to open an ongoing discussion and and action plan regarding the logistical matters pertaining to mounting a presentation of Nunc Licet at the Assembly in June.
We need to build a producing team. It is my distinct opinion that we need to divide the producing duties between three principle producers and a number of Associate Producers. The specifics of that organizational structure will be presented to those persons who would like to serve in the role of producer and will be refined at these meetings by those individuals. In addition, the producers will be responsible for raising money for the production. This is not- Here's the money go do it... rather it's Here's a show, let's get the money, or find ways around it, and do it. We need self-starting, go-getters in order to get this done. There is much to do and we need committed people that everyone can count on. So if that's the type of person you are, then please do get involved.
Certainly, finding the people who can perform is equally important, but without the logistics backing up the performers the effort to produce a crafted piece will be frustrated.
Persons wishing to walk-the-boards are invited to participate, but there will be no promises in that regard. We need people who will not only fulfill the roles, but will do so- well... and will want to continue on with doing the show more than just once or twice.
We have intentions of filming the show and will document the process with video, so we need technical people who are interested in this aspect as well. On the subject of filming- if all works out well, we will want the same performers who work on the stage show to participate in the filming, hopefully at Cairnwood. This will depend on how many people become involved and are serious about helping to make this happen.
Those dedicated persons who do become involved to help get this show up, will become part owners in this show, which is intended to be presented around the world, hopefully on an ongoing basis as both a stage play and a film.
More dialogue will follow ... AG
Anyone interested in helping to mount this play is invited to attend. These meetings are intended to achieve a few different goals. They are production meetings, they are not entertainment for observers. That will come when we present the play to the public. Most importantly, we need to open an ongoing discussion and and action plan regarding the logistical matters pertaining to mounting a presentation of Nunc Licet at the Assembly in June.
We need to build a producing team. It is my distinct opinion that we need to divide the producing duties between three principle producers and a number of Associate Producers. The specifics of that organizational structure will be presented to those persons who would like to serve in the role of producer and will be refined at these meetings by those individuals. In addition, the producers will be responsible for raising money for the production. This is not- Here's the money go do it... rather it's Here's a show, let's get the money, or find ways around it, and do it. We need self-starting, go-getters in order to get this done. There is much to do and we need committed people that everyone can count on. So if that's the type of person you are, then please do get involved.
Certainly, finding the people who can perform is equally important, but without the logistics backing up the performers the effort to produce a crafted piece will be frustrated.
Persons wishing to walk-the-boards are invited to participate, but there will be no promises in that regard. We need people who will not only fulfill the roles, but will do so- well... and will want to continue on with doing the show more than just once or twice.
We have intentions of filming the show and will document the process with video, so we need technical people who are interested in this aspect as well. On the subject of filming- if all works out well, we will want the same performers who work on the stage show to participate in the filming, hopefully at Cairnwood. This will depend on how many people become involved and are serious about helping to make this happen.
Those dedicated persons who do become involved to help get this show up, will become part owners in this show, which is intended to be presented around the world, hopefully on an ongoing basis as both a stage play and a film.
More dialogue will follow ... AG
Monday, September 20, 2010
Nunc Licet: readings at Tamanend Park begin...
Arthur Greisiger
is conducting readings of his stage play
"Nunc Licet"
a play about Emanuel Swedenborg
a play about Emanuel Swedenborg
beginning this
Sunday September 26th from 2-4 pm
(the regular time for Shakespearean activity)
Work will continue on Sunday afternoons
with the goal of making a presentation
for the World Assembly in June of 2011.
for the World Assembly in June of 2011.
We need to have people willing to read
and others who are willing to assist in planning
and gathering resources for the Assembly presentation.
The immediate goal is to present in Pendelton Hall
on the campus of Bryn Athyn College,
beyond that, there hope to produce a film version.
on the campus of Bryn Athyn College,
beyond that, there hope to produce a film version.
Contact Arthur at 215-322-1566, or
For further information
or to read a synopsis of the play
use this search link;
or to read a synopsis of the play
use this search link;
Monday, March 1, 2010
Nunc Licet... synopsis
Originally composed in 1997,
this Synopsis is updated,
with commentary added;
with commentary added;
Nunc Licet...
a stage play
by Arthur GreisigerThe heart of the play is in the title.
It is taken from the writings of
Emanuel Swedenborg.
It is Latin for- now it is permitted,
referring to the permission given
by the Lord God,
for mankind to enter intellectually
into the secrets of faith,
which He has hidden within the Bible.
- Swedenborg, an eighteenth century scientist, nobleman, and eventual mystic seer, claimed to have been the messenger of a system of “correspondences”, whereby an internal message could be deciphered from the Word of God, which when understood, provides a clear view of the Divine operation as it pertains to mankind’s eternal destiny.
- In addition to other quite astounding proclamations, Swedenborg claimed to have visited the World of Spirits, Heaven & Hell and to have spoken with spirits who were newly arrived from Earth, angels from Heaven & demons from Hell, while he yet lived in this natural world. He claimed to have had this ability for 27 years and to have done so daily during that time. He has stated that he was given permission to do this, so that he might convey these truths by means of the printing press.
- The play is set in 1771, when Swedenborg was 83 years old, (but in subsequent productions, it is also quite possible for it to be presented in a contemporary format).
- The action of the play takes place at a social gathering, held by an excited host to discuss the latest trends in philosophical thought and to introduce Emanuel Swedenborg to some of his friends
- Conflicts arise as the religious fervor of the host is pitted against the disdain of his long-time friend and the confusion of another non-committal friend who is caught in the middle. There are a wide array of character types who are likewise drawn into this debate. This adds diversity to the perspectives conveyed and adds a more casual conversational element to the atmosphere, allowing for greater exchange and revelation of interpersonal aspects of the characters.
- Because this is a very philosophical piece which addresses a number of religious questions; a variety of representative characters have been devised to bring diversity to the perspectives presented and to give the audience a good selection of characters with whom they might relate. Many of the more significant parallels between the audience and the characters take place in the subplot, as a means of providing the audience with sufficient diversion from the philosophical and intellectual challenges which may be uncomfortable for them in the primary thread of the dialogue. This array of secondary characters and the issues that surround them creates a theatrical environment which is rich in material for an audience to focus on during the play, in the event that they may struggle with the primary thread.
- In the first act - as the gathering progresses and the characters are introduced, the subject progresses from how creation came about, to whether God exists or not and if he does how He interacts with man. These and many more such questions are debated. They are presented within the context of revealing the essential nature, quality and attitudes of the characters who appear in the play and in the light of Emanuel Swedenborg's rather shocking claims.
- Romantic circumstances exist within the play which add dimension and provide diversion from the intellectualism and religious nature of the piece. Additional relief is provided by music in both instrumental & vocal form and in the period nature of the piece in terms of costuming.
- Reference to Emanuel Swedenborg stirs discussion about rumors of the man and his claim of having visited Heaven & hell. He makes his entrance at the end of the first act just before the intermission.
- The second act - deals more directly with the personalities of the characters while using their reaction to Swedenborg and each other as a catalyst for probing numerous ideas put forth by Swedenborg.
- Numerous subplots are developed which underlie the text and serve to contrast and highlight the subject matter. One very important purpose of these subplots, is to offer sufficient diversity to allow the audience to select a plot line or character which is most comfortable for them to focus their attention on, or relate to. In this way, the subject matter, being of religious nature, is less predominate for persons who do not care to align themselves with that aspect of the play and yet find numerous other points of interest in which they may enjoy the play.
- Although the structure of the script is quite specific and the successful delivery of the subject matter is very dependent upon that structure, the latitude & dimension of the play as a whole, is very dependent upon full characterization by the players and so there is sufficient room for interpretive and improvisational characterization and possibly even variation on the dialogue. This is particularly true in the second act. Stage presence and action is often necessary strictly for aesthetics and contrast. Characters often say more with their actions then their words.
- One element present in the script, but not easily understood, is a layering of delivery and correlative action. In the written script, this tends to flatten out and make reading somewhat laborious, because it is not easy to comprehend the movement of the characters and to remember their relationship to each other.
- There are many places in which the secondary characters, non-speaking presence, on the stage is equally as important as the dialogue that is delivered, and without that presence, the dialogue seems burdensome. This is the difficulty with reading a script as opposed to a novel. I find that many people do not understand this.
- The play climaxes as tension is built, mostly by the primarily antagonist. He becomes increasingly isolated from the other characters and is unable to accept many of the propositions presented. His reaction is to cause distress to the other characters.
- In addition to this conflict, the other characters are dealing with their own issues which are also heightened by the addition of Swedenborg's perspectives as a factor of consideration. Many hidden conflicts and issues are brought out in each of the characters subtext.
- About one third of the characters fluctuate between the protagonist & antagonist roles in varying degrees. Some of the characters are mostly non-committal, decorum, or occupied with actions created for diversion from the primary subject matter. This is necessary in order to justify the impression of a large social gathering but there is a shifting of attention across the full range of characters throughout the play.
- The conclusion of the second act is brought about by the primary antagonist who, thru his frustration and distress, assaults one of the other characters. This leads to a brief, but violent, brawl which results in the heart failure and death of that character.
- The third act is relatively brief and opens after a series of transition sound effects in the dark. As the lights come up, the assaulted character is found lying on the couch in the sitting room. It is soon discovered that he is now in the spiritual world where he is first attended by two celestial angels, then by two spiritual angels before he awakens.
- When he does awaken, he soon greeted by an angel who provides him with further information about his new state of being. Somewhat stunned, the character is left alone. After some time, his wife, whom he loved dearly and who had died many years before, appears. Their coming together again provides an uplifting conclusion to the play. The essence of the third act is based upon the information provided by Swedenborg throughout the play.
- There are 18 characters and 3 or 4 musicians in the play, designed to convey a wide diversity of personality types, foster the impression of a large gathering, and creating a multitude of dramatic circumstances.
- Emanuel Swedenborg is the primary focus of the play, however intellectual tension is combined with romance to give the play added dimension. The “period” nature of the play, adds a theatricality to the piece that is a great advantage, in making attendance a special experience that will counteract any trepidation one may have over the religious nature of the play.
- For further discussions refer to the Production Approach Summary
- The script is available for purchase directly thru Image of the Mind Studios.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Virtual Studio
Image of the Mind Studios
Virtual Studio
Virtual Studio
For many years I produced the Newsletter "Horizons", which was a summary of the projects being developed under the banner Image of the Mind Studios. It was much like this blog site, although the design was quite different. There were many times I would publish the quarterly newsletter and then never even send it out, so it was somewhat sporadic that way. With the advent of the internet, and all that came with it, that problem was solved.
Now the issue is how to use the new medium effectively. I have seen numerous web sites that are quite effective in their design and I do hope to gradually come to the point where I can design the Virtual Studio to reflect the creativity that I would like to stand as a representative of Image of the Mind Studios. For now, the design will remain somewhat neutral, in deference to conveying essential information about the projects that are developing.
As the design progresses, I do hope to find a way to link our internal servers to the internet and provide a more aesthetically pleasing and functional network of design & business elements within The Virtual Studio.
I am not as young as I once was and learning comes more slowly, not only because, what needs to be learned seems more complicated, but because my time is absorbed in doing the things that are represented here in these web pages. So I would not judge the creativity of Image of the Mind Studios based on the design of these web pages. Eventually I hope it will be reflected here. AG
The material in all the archives
is from postings that are not in the current year,
but will continue to be edited
to remain pertinent.
is from postings that are not in the current year,
but will continue to be edited
to remain pertinent.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Basic Index
Primary IMS Projects at this time;
The Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park
(Shakespeare under the Stars, Scenes From Shakespeare, & Music From Shakespeare)
(Shakespeare under the Stars, Scenes From Shakespeare, & Music From Shakespeare)
Nunc Licet... now it is permitted
(script is now available for purchase)
Other associations;
Bucks County Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Bryn Athyn Community Theatre
IMS Films on YouTube
An Essay on the Improvement of the Community
Southampton Pennsylvania
Please review the index and the blog archive along the sidebar to the left for other subjects
(script is now available for purchase)
Other associations;
Bucks County Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Bryn Athyn Community Theatre
IMS Films on YouTube
An Essay on the Improvement of the Community
Southampton Pennsylvania
Please review the index and the blog archive along the sidebar to the left for other subjects
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