6/19 Update
I'm adding to this post so it shows up as recent and moving it to the NL Archive.
There's been some talk about producing "Nunc Licet" for the Assembly next year. I'm looking into building a producing team. That means raising the money to make it happen. So anyone interested in Producing is invited to communicate with me. Even if we can't pull it together for next year, the idea of producing it as an environmental theatre piece at Cairnwood, sounds like a very good idea.
You will be able to locate a link to the script here on this blog. Also, there is a Nunc Licet Archive blog. I'll try to add links here in the future.
I had a dream last night about producing "Nunc Licet". So I am starting the search for a Production Manager and other crew members. Discussions about this are not compensated, but we will pay people once we begin actual production. If you are interested let me know. I will be shifting the old posts on Nunc Licet up on this blog but I think I might have a blog by that title. It's been awhile since I worked consistently on this blog. I hope to bring things up to date in that regard. If you search for information about Nunc Licet below you can that all the previous activity was taking place six years ago, so that information is not current, but it is applicable. I suggest you use the file folders to locate the posts.
I checked the links in this post and it does seem that the script is posted here. That version is not the most recent, but it is close enough. It is a PDF, so it almost is an e-book, so I think I'll set it up that way. Nothing to loose, especially if I can make a few bucks in the process. Feel free to download it if you want to have it. I only ask that you do not attempt to alter it is any way or lay claim to its contents, or produce it without consulting with me first. It is copyrighted and any such use is a violation. I will pursue my rights if I discover any such violation. Plans are underway to produce this for film cameras.
If anyone wants to join the producing team, do inquire. If you'd like to kick in some bucks, then you'll become an Executive Producer. The management for this project will be taken from the Business Plan for IMS Management and The Gnomes of New Hope Productions, so the layout for that is already done, it only needs to be adapted.
Work continues on the Gnomes of New Hope so watch that blog for any information about that project.
I expect I will restructure the blogs to be more pointed toward the specific activity that is relative to specific projects, so bear with any changes which seem odd.
That's All Folks... to coin a phrase AG
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